144 research outputs found

    Intrusion tolerant routing with data consensus in wireless sensor networks

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaWireless sensor networks (WSNs) are rapidly emerging and growing as an important new area in computing and wireless networking research. Applications of WSNs are numerous, growing, and ranging from small-scale indoor deployment scenarios in homes and buildings to large scale outdoor deployment settings in natural, industrial, military and embedded environments. In a WSN, the sensor nodes collect data to monitor physical conditions or to measure and pre-process physical phenomena, and forward that data to special computing nodes called Syncnodes or Base Stations (BSs). These nodes are eventually interconnected, as gateways, to other processing systems running applications. In large-scale settings, WSNs operate with a large number of sensors – from hundreds to thousands of sensor nodes – organised as ad-hoc multi-hop or mesh networks, working without human supervision. Sensor nodes are very limited in computation, storage, communication and energy resources. These limitations impose particular challenges in designing large scale reliable and secure WSN services and applications. However, as sensors are very limited in their resources they tend to be very cheap. Resilient solutions based on a large number of nodes with replicated capabilities, are possible approaches to address dependability concerns, namely reliability and security requirements and fault or intrusion tolerant network services. This thesis proposes, implements and tests an intrusion tolerant routing service for large-scale dependable WSNs. The service is based on a tree-structured multi-path routing algorithm, establishing multi-hop and multiple disjoint routes between sensors and a group of BSs. The BS nodes work as an overlay, processing intrusion tolerant data consensus over the routed data. In the proposed solution the multiple routes are discovered, selected and established by a self-organisation process. The solution allows the WSN nodes to collect and route data through multiple disjoint routes to the different BSs, with a preventive intrusion tolerance approach, while handling possible Byzantine attacks and failures in sensors and BS with a pro-active recovery strategy supported by intrusion and fault tolerant data-consensus algorithms, performed by the group of Base Stations

    Direct determination of molybdenum in polyvitaminic tablets by voltammetry in non-aqueous media

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    Adsorptive stripping voltammetry carried out in a homogeneous ternary solvent composed of N,N-dimethylformamide, water and ethanol, with alpha-benzoinoxime (alphaBO) as the complexing agent for Mo(VI) and a 0.5 mol L-1 acetic acid - sodium acetate buffer as supporting electrolyte was successfully used for the determination of molybdenum in polyvitamin-polymineral tablets. Tablet samples were analyzed and the results were compared with those obtained both by graphite furnace atomic absorption and by recovery tests, with good correlations, indicating that this may be considered as an alternative procedure for routine determination of Mo(VI) in pharmaceutical samples.153155Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Analysis of the frequency of pediatric cancer in the Western Amazon (Brazil): the case of Rondônia

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    Objective: Analyzes the frequency of cancer in children and adolescents in the State of Rondônia / Western Amazon (Brazil), attended by public health services. Method: This is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study. We used an instrument developed by Paraguassú-Chaves et al [24], semi-structured, containing a series of variables, such as sex, age, histological types, types of cancer by location of the primary tumor, lymphomas, leukemias, clinical stage of the disease, diagnosis and previous treatment, among others. We asked the Research Ethics Committee to waive the Free and Informed Consent Term, because the study did not require patient intervention or collection of biological material and there was no possibility of constraints for patients and their families. Results: From 122 cases, 56 (45.9%) were female and 66 (55.1%) were male. Regarding the distribution of patients according to the age group, 38 (31.1%) were younger than 4 years, 21 (17.2%), 5 to 9 years, 24 (19.7%) from 10 to 14 and 39 (32.0%) from 15 to 19. The most frequent histological types by gender were myeloproliferative leukemias and myelodysplastic diseases with 39.31% of new cases, reticuloendothelial lymphomas and neoplasms 11.96%, carcinomas and other epithelial neoplasms 11.96% of cases and CNS and several cranial intra-neoplasms and intraspinal with 11.11% of new cases. Leukemia in the hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial system (C42) is the most frequent cancer in children and adolescents, with 46.2% of cancers in the studied period. 20.5% of the cases do not know the stage of the cancer and 79.5% of the patients do not have information about the stage of the disease. 99.38% of pediatric cancer cases are referred by the single public health system - SUS and only 0.11% non-SUS or private health system. 47.6% of children and adolescents who arrive at the cancer clinic of the public health system have no diagnosis or previous treatment. Conclusions: he results presented are similar to the studies carried out in Rondônia, Brazil and other countries and are in agreement with the studies by Paraguassú-Chaves et al [24], Paraguassú-Chaves et al [27] and Paraguassú-Chaves et al [28].Considering some parameters and indicators, it can be concluded that childhood cancer in Rondônia is a public health problem

    Normalização eletromiográfica da co-contração do vasto lateral e bíceps femoral durante a marcha de idosas

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    Introduction: Analyze muscle co-contraction using electromyographic signals, which are normalized to compare individuals, muscles and studies. Maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and peak electrical activity (PEA) during movement are the most widely used forms of normalization. Objective: Compare inter-subject variability and investigate the association between the co-contraction indices of the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris during gait, normalized by MVIC and PEA. Methods: Thirty elderly women, aged 70.33 ± 3.69 years took part. Electrical muscle activity during MVIC and gait was recorded using a Biopac MP100 electromyograph. MVIC was performed in a Biodex isokinetic dynamometer. For normalization, the signals were divided by the Root Mean Square values of MVIC and PEA of gait. Results: The coefficient of variation of non-normalized data was 69.3%, and those normalized by PEA and MVIC were 30.4% and 48.9% respectively. Linear regression analysis resulted in a prediction model: PEA = 0.04 + 0.16 x MVIC. The goodness of fit of the regression model was statistically signiicant (p=0.02). The confidence interval (95% CI) for the intercept was between 0.02 and 0.29 and for MVIC between 0.03 and 0.06. Conclusions: The data normalized by PEA showed less variation than those normalized by MVIC. A 100% variation in data normalized by MVIC resulted in a 16% variation in data normalized by PEA, while variation in normalization by MVIC accounts for 17% of the variation in normalization by PEA and vice versa.Introdução: Analisa-se co-contração muscular através dos sinais eletromiográficos, os quais são normalizados para permitir comparação entre indivíduos, músculos e estudos. A contração voluntária máxima isométrica (CVMi) e o pico da atividade elétrica (PAE) durante o ato motor são as formas de normalização mais utilizadas. Objetivos: Comparar a variabilidade inter-sujeitos e investigar a associação entre os índices de co-contração, do vasto lateral e bíceps femoral durante a marcha, normalizados pela CVMi e PAE. Métodos: Participaram 30 idosas, idade 70,33 ± 3,69 anos. A atividade elétrica dos músculos durante a CVMi e na marcha foi registrada pelo eletromiógrafo Biopac MP100. A CVMi foi realizada no dinamômetro isocinético Biodex. Para normalização, os sinais foram divididos pelos valores do Root Mean Square da CVMi e pelo PAE da marcha. Resultados: O coeficiente de variação dos dados não normalizados foi 69,3%, e dos normalizados pelo PAE e CVMi foram 30,4% e 48,9% respectivamente. A análise de regressão linear produziu o modelo de predição: PAE = 0,04 + 0,16 x CVMi. O ajuste do modelo de regressão foi estatisticamente significante (p=0,02). O intervalo de cofiança (IC95%) para o intercepto foi de 0,02 a 0,29 e para a CVMi foi de 0,03 a 0,06. Conclusão: Os dados normalizados pelo PAE apresentaram menor variação que os normalizados pela CVMi. Uma variação de 100% nos dados normalizados pela CVMi resulta em 16% de variação nos dados normalizados pelo PAE, enquanto a variação da normalização pela CVMi é responsável por 17% de variação da normalização pelo PAE e vice-versa

    Epidemiological and sociodemographic characterization of women and men with cancer in a State in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Objective: Objective: Analyzes the epidemiological and sociodemographic characterization of women and men with cancer in the State of Rondônia, Western Amazon (Brazil), diagnosed over a period of 2 (two) years. Materials and Methods: It is a documentary, cross-sectional and descriptive study, with the systematization of primary data, according to the methodological model recommended by Paraguassú-Chaves et al [25]. We used an instrument developde by Paraguassu-Chaves et al [26], semi-structured, divided into two blocks: (a) Block I – sociodemographic profile and (b) Block II – epidemiological profile. The Ethics Committee on Human Research at the reference hospital was asked to waive the Informed Consent Form. The research project is in accordance with Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council of Brazil. Results: Of the 3.333 new cases of cancer, 53.4% ​​were female and 46.5% male. The 10 (ten) most common types of cancer among men and women in Rondônia over a 2-year period were non-melanoma skin (C44), breast (C50), prostate (C61), cervix (C53), stomach (C16), thyroid gland (C73), bronchi and lungs (C33-C34), colon (C18), reticuloendothelial hematopoietic system (C42) and rectal cancer (C20). An age range of 50 to 69 years was predominant in both sexes and patients with low educational level. The highest frequency was for married patients. There was a predominance of brown skin, patients born in the State of Rondônia (22.6%) and agricultural workers. The Unified Health System - SUS was responsible for the entry for treatment of 99.5% of patients. Most patients underwent “other isolated therapeutic procedures” and with the disease in advanced stages. Conclusions: The estimate of new cancer cases in Rondônia follows an increasing trend. The scenarios selected from the variables of the sociodemographic and epidemiological indicators of the research require the public health authorities of Rondônia, urgent redirection of actions and strategies for the prevention, control, assistance and treatment of cancer in women and men in Rondônia

    Light induced amaurosis: a rare symptom of carotid stenosis

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    INTRODUCTION: Light induced amaurosis refers to a transient monocular or binocular vision loss triggered by bright lights. Like amaurosis fugax, light induced amaurosis is associated with carotid artery stenosis but they differ from each other in presentation and pathophysiology. It is thought to be an impairment in the regeneration of retinal visual pigments caused by the inability of carotid circulation to sustain the increased metabolic activity occurring when the retina is exposed to bright lights. With this report we aim to present a case of light induced amaurosis and its management. CASE REPORT: We describe a 74-year-old man with the isolated complaint of monocular visual loss from his left eye when exposed to bright lights. These episodes were self-limited and lasted for several minutes. His vision was reportedly good between episodes. He also complained of headache and dizziness. There were no other focal neurological deficits present. The patient had a history of peripheral artery disease, chronic heart failure, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, permanent atrial fibrillation and had a history of heavy smoking in the past. Chronic medical therapy included anticoagulation with rivaroxaban, antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid and atorvastatin. Imaging studies (doppler ultrasonography and Computed tomography angiography) revealed a significant morphologic stenosis of the left common carotid artery, left internal carotid artery with sub occlusive disease and right internal carotid artery with 70-75% stenosis (North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial - NASCET). The vertebral arteries study did not reveal significant morphologic disease. The patient was submitted to left common and internal carotid artery endarterectomy and Dacron patch angioplasty. The visual symptoms progressively improved after surgical treatment. The dizziness and headache were completely gone. CONCLUSION: Light induced amaurosis is a rare and less known symptom associated with severe carotid artery stenosis. Its timely recognition is important to not deprive patients of timely treatment

    Quantitative methods and analysis of health performance and environmental conditions in the city of Porto Velho: 6 years after the hydroelectric dams of Jirau and Santo Antônio, on the Madeira River

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    Objective: to analyze the IQVU of the city of Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil, in a perspective of quality of life from the construction of the UHEs on the Madeira River. Methods: the model developed by Paraguassú-Chaves et al [3] was used to analyze the performance index in health and environmental conditions. 552 forms and interviews were applied, which contributed to the collection of primary data in the sample survey in the 69 neighborhoods grouped by the four urban areas of Porto Velho, involving 8 households per neighborhood. The data were submitted to Factor Analysis to calculate the quality of life indexes. In the analysis phase, the IQVU model of the Hair et al classification index scale [4] was used. Results: After 6 years, the quality of life indexes found in this research are similar to those found previously. Central Zone IQVU (0.456) Regular, East Zone IQVU (0.406), North Zone IQVU (0.428) and South Zone IQVU (0.393), with the average IQVU (0.420) of the city of Porto Velho. Conclusions: there was a significant drop in the quality of life index with the construction of the Jirau and Santo Antônio hydroelectric dams on the Madeira River, in Porto Velho. The city\u27s quality of urban life index, which had already suffered a negative impact during the construction of the dams and 1 year later, worsened six years later

    Citizen science and expert judgement: A cost-efficient combination to monitor and assess the invasiveness of non-indigenous fish escapees

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    Mapping the distribution and evaluating the impacts of marine non-indigenous species (NIS) are two fundamental tasks for management purposes, yet they are often time consuming and expensive. This case study focuses on the NIS gilthead seabream Sparus aurata escaped from offshore farms in Madeira Island in order to test an innovative, cost-efficient combined approach to risk assessment and georeferenced dispersal data collection. Species invasiveness was screened using the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS-ISK), and revealed a high invasion risk. Occurrences of S. aurata were assessed involving citizens in GIS participatory mapping and data from recreational fishing contests. A probability map showed that S. aurata is well dispersed around Madeira Island. This assessment proved to be a cost-efficient early warning method for detecting NIS dispersal, highlighting the urgent need for additional surveys that should search for sexually mature individuals and assess the direct and indirect impacts in the native ecosystemFundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vascular complications in patients undergoing early percutaneous coronary intervention via the femoral artery after fibrinolysis with tenecteplase: registry of 199 patients

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    BACKGROUND: Fibrinolysis is often used in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes with ST segment elevation (STEMI). Major cardiac outcomes were reduced with antiplatelet therapy intensification, but with increased risk of bleeding. Our objective was to assess the risk of vascular bleeding in patients undergoing early percutaneous coronary intervention after thrombolysis. METHODS: Between February 2010 and December 2011, five public emergency rooms in the city of São Paulo and the Emergency Health Care Service (Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência - SAMU) used tenecteplase (TNK) to treat patients with STEMI. Patients were referred to a single tertiary hospital and were submitted to early cardiac catheterization during hospitalization. All examinations were performed via the femoral artery and BARC criteria were used to classify bleeding. RESULTS: We evaluated 199 patients, of whom 193 had no bleeding of vascular origin (group 1) and 6 (3%) developed this complication (group 2). The median time between the administration of the fibrinolytic agent and catheterization was 24 hours in group 1 and 14.7 hours in group 2. According to BARC criteria, 1 patient had type 3a bleeding (hematoma in the inguinal region with a hemoglobin decrease of 3-5 g/dL), 2 patients had type 3b bleeding (1 not related to vascular access and 1 retroperitoneal hematoma with a hemoglobin decrease ≥ 5 g/dL) and the remaining patients had type 1 bleeding (small inguinal hematomas). Blood transfusions were required in 2 patients. None of the patients died due to vascular complications after the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, early catheterization via the femoral artery as part of a pharmaco-invasive strategy, using TNK as a fibrinolytic agent, had a low vascular bleeding rate, comparable to that of elective angioplasties.INTRODUÇÃO: A fibrinólise é frequentemente utilizada no tratamento das síndromes coronárias com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (SCCSST). Desfechos cardíacos maiores foram reduzidos com a intensificação do tratamento antiplaquetário, porém com aumento do risco de sangramento. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o risco de sangramentos de origem vascular em pacientes submetidos a intervenção coronária precoce pós-trombólise. MÉTODOS: Entre fevereiro de 2010 e dezembro de 2011, 5 prontos-socorros municipais da cidade de São Paulo e o Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (SAMU) utilizaram tenecteplase (TNK) para tratamento de pacientes com SCCSST. Os pacientes foram encaminhados a um único hospital terciário e submetidos a cateterismo cardíaco precoce durante a internação. Todos os exames foram realizados por via femoral e os critérios do BARC foram utilizados para a classificação dos sangramentos. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 199 pacientes, dos quais 193 não apresentaram sangramento de origem vascular (grupo 1) e 6 (3%) evoluíram com essa complicação (grupo 2). A mediana de tempo entre a administração do fibrinolítico e o cateterismo foi de 24 horas no grupo 1 e de 14,7 horas no grupo 2. Segundo os critérios do BARC, 1 paciente apresentou sangramento do tipo 3a (hematoma em região inguinal com queda de hemoglobina de 3-5 g/dl), 2 pacientes apresentaram sangramento do tipo 3b (1 não relacionado ao acesso vascular e 1 hematoma de retroperitônio, com queda de hemoglobina ≥ 5 g/dl), e os demais apresentaram sangramentos do tipo 1 (pequenos hematomas em região inguinal). Nesse grupo foram necessárias duas hemotransfusões. Nenhum paciente teve óbito relacionado à complicação vascular pós-intervenção. CONCLUSÕES: Em nosso estudo, a cateterização precoce via femoral como parte de uma estratégia fármaco-invasiva, utilizando TNK como fibrinolítico, apresentou baixa taxa de sangramentos de origem vascular, comparável à das angioplastias eletivas.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Hemodinâmica e Cardiologia IntervencionistaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MiocardiopatiasUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaServiço de Atendimento Móvel de UrgênciaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Hemodinâmica e Cardiologia IntervencionistaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MiocardiopatiasUNIFESP, EPMSciEL